The fallacy of just one line of JavaScript

It's a common joke in the analytics industry that you can collect all your data with just one line of JavaScript.

The problem with these solutions is two fold.  

  • Your data becomes siloed living in different tools.
  • If you aren't a basic ecommerce only website, these tools are not capturing the right data or conversions for your organization.

The beauty of the new Google Analytics (GA4) is that it can cleanly store and manage different types of data and interactions. 

In GA4, events are used to track user interactions with your website or app, such as clicks on buttons or links, form submissions, pageviews, and of course ecommerce purchases. 

Unlike the rigid event structure in Universal Analytics, GA4 events can be customized to include additional information, such as the type of interaction, the location on the page where the interaction occurred, and the value of the interaction. 

This event-based model allows you to get a more detailed understanding of how users are interacting with your website or app, and can be used to build custom audiences, create personalized experiences for your users and mostly importantly give you the data you need to make your website better. 

Satisfyly builds on this event based model by pushing feedback data straight to GA. This enables us to show feedback data alongside each page, each user and against conversion data.

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